Gattimela is a Indian Kannada-language television soap opera that airs on Zee Kannada and on ZEE5 even before TV telecast. This series is directed by Koramangala Anil (March July ) R Kiran (July – present) and produced by Joni Harsha (March December ) Koramangala Anil (January February ) Rakshith Gowda aka Rakksh (February – present). Ente amma padma. · Swathi Weekly Magazine is the largest circulated Telugu Magazine, which covers women interested topics, serials, stories, children articles, cinema news, politics, beauty tips, analyzing problems of women, interested topics, health related articles and celebrity interviews. Swathi, Swathi Pdf, Swathi Weekly, Swathi Weekly Pdf, Swathi Latest Edition, Swathi Archives, Swathi .
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